Deliciously complex combines the sweet and balanced qualities of medium roasts with the smoky and spicy qualities of dark roasts. A great blend of Latin American and Asia Pacific beans ensures a solid origin flavor upon which to build through the roasting process. Perfectly suited to coffee presses, drip brewers and espresso machines, just grind to your preference.
Deliciously complex combines the sweet and balanced qualities of medium roasts with the smoky and spicy qualities of dark roasts. A great blend of Latin American and Asia Pacific beans ensures a solid origin flavor upon which to build through the roasting process. Perfectly suited to coffee presses, drip brewers and espresso machines, just grind to your preference.
Deliciously complex combines the sweet and balanced qualities of medium roasts with the smoky and spicy qualities of dark roasts. A great blend of Latin American and Asia Pacific beans ensures a solid origin flavor upon which to build through the roasting process. Perfectly suited to coffee presses, drip brewers and espresso machines, just grind to your preference.