Maintains its accuracy by automatically matching the National Bureau of Standards Atomic Clock in Boulder, Colorado and automatically setting itself to daylight-saving time. Changing of the hour hand saves maintenance labor in facilities with numerous clocks. Larger dial size makes it easier to tell time from a distance. Slimline design gives sleek, modern appearance.
Maintains its accuracy by automatically matching the National Bureau of Standards Atomic Clock in Boulder, Colorado and automatically setting itself to daylight-saving time. Changing of the hour hand saves maintenance labor in facilities with numerous clocks. Larger dial size makes it easier to tell time from a distance. Slimline design gives sleek, modern appearance.
Maintains its accuracy by automatically matching the National Bureau of Standards Atomic Clock in Boulder, Colorado and automatically setting itself to daylight-saving time. Changing of the hour hand saves maintenance labor in facilities with numerous clocks. Larger dial size makes it easier to tell time from a distance. Slimline design gives sleek, modern appearance.