High quality color photo cards depend on system-matched supplies. Engineered, tested and proven performance assures our color photo ribbons can help you achieve the best image quality and most reliable system performance, while ensuring low cost-per-card.
Entrust Datacard® offers genuine print ribbons for optimal performance with the Entrust Sigma Direct-to-Card printers. This provides assurance of secure, smooth-running performance, cost-efficient operation, and brilliant results. Entrust YMCKT ribbons are used for printing a combination of full-color images and one-color text or barcodes. YMCKT ribbons consist of yellow (Y), magenta (M) and cyan (C) panels for printing a full spectrum of colors by combining the colors using varying degrees of heat. The K panel is a black resin panel, typically used for printing text and barcodes and the T panel is a thin, clear protective overlay. Each print kit includes one ribbon, one isopropanol cleaning card and one adhesive cleaning roller.
High quality color photo cards depend on system-matched supplies. Engineered, tested and proven performance assures our color photo ribbons can help you achieve the best image quality and most reliable system performance, while ensuring low cost-per-card.