Name your beneficiaries and distribute your assets, and when relevant, name a guardian for your dependent children, create a children's trust and name an executer. In addition to a hardcopy sample for rough drafts, this package includes simple, step-by-step instructions and a digital access to all relevant materials.
Protect and control your assets during your lifetime and after. Reviewed and approved by attorneys and industry experts, the Last Will & Testament Forms Kit from Adams® Personal Legal collection allows you to name your beneficiaries and distribute your assets, and when relevant, name a guardian for your dependent children, create a children's trust and name an executer. In addition to hardcopy samples of the related forms, this kit includes simple, step-by-step instructions and access to digital versions of all forms, a last will and estate planning guide, several related manuals and additional resources. Simply register the product with Adams® using the included authorization code to receive access. Legally valid in all 50 states, including the State of Louisiana. Content by SmartLegalForms®.
Data sheet
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Intended solely for use within the United States of America.
Name your beneficiaries and distribute your assets, and when relevant, name a guardian for your dependent children, create a children's trust and name an executer. In addition to a hardcopy sample for rough drafts, this package includes simple, step-by-step instructions and a digital access to all relevant materials.