Keep track of your finances in style with this collection of payday, bill payment , monthly goal, and other finance planner stickers. Features a spectacular variety of custom stickers that help track expenses plus inspirational designs to keep you motivated. Each sheet has a duplicate to let you create matching designs for both your weekly and monthly calendar views. Contains 30 loose 5" x 7.5" sheets of stickers in a creative array of shapes and sizes such as flag stickers, kiss-cut silhouettes, and much more. The pack includes white, clear, and metallic stickers made of premium materials with both matte and glossy versions of each. Matte finish stickers are compatible with most ballpoint pens, permanent markers, and pencils.
Keep track of your finances in style with the Avery Budgeting Planner sticker pack, a collection of payday stickers, bill payment stickers, monthly goal stickers, and other finance planner stickers. Featuring a spectacular variety of custom stickers that help you keep track of expenses, this collection of planner stickers also includes inspirational designs to keep you motivated. Each sheet has a duplicate to let you create matching designs for both your weekly and monthly calendar views. The Budgeting Planner variety pack contains 30 loose 5" x 7.5" sheets of stickers. It features a creative variety of shapes and sizes, such as flag stickers, kiss-cut silhouettes, and much more. The pack includes white, clear, and metallic stickers made of premium materials with both matte and glossy versions of each. The stickers that use a matte finish are compatible with most ballpoint pens, permanent markers, and pencils. You can also give your bullet journal a boost with a few extra supplies and creative ideas.
Keep track of your finances in style with this collection of payday, bill payment , monthly goal, and other finance planner stickers. Features a spectacular variety of custom stickers that help track expenses plus inspirational designs to keep you motivated. Each sheet has a duplicate to let you create matching designs for both your weekly and monthly calendar views. Contains 30 loose 5" x 7.5" sheets of stickers in a creative array of shapes and sizes such as flag stickers, kiss-cut silhouettes, and much more. The pack includes white, clear, and metallic stickers made of premium materials with both matte and glossy versions of each. Matte finish stickers are compatible with most ballpoint pens, permanent markers, and pencils.